May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Didn't get to do much. I wasn't able to go with Auntie Lyn to visit Lola at the cement 'cause I had to babysit Lynard. Someone that Uncle Ernie needed to talk with came when they weren't home, so I had to entertain her for a while. Toby's friends came over and I bought Little Cesar's Pizza after I woke up from my nap and took a shower. Pretty boring Memorial Day. Summer school starts on Wednesday and I gotta do a few things before then. I need to buy a parking permit, schedule an appointment with my EOP counselor, visit the Nursing department, and sign up for volunteering at the hospital. Oh, I'm also planning on take out all my shoes, have a photoshoot, and clean them up 'cause I've got something coming! Hehehe.


Shit.. Still got some more to do..

To Do List:

  1. Wash my car [check]
  2. Rearrange furniture in my room [check]
  3. Clean my room [check]
  4. Visit my Grandpa Mel
  5. Set up an appointment with my EOP Counselor (WPA, grades, etc.)
  6. Visit Nursing Office (Registering for Nursing program)
  7. Set up volunteering time At Scripts/Rady Children's Hospital
  8. Register for WPA

