January 12, 2008

Much Love.

Happy Birthday, Lolo!!

Yup, the 12th is my grandpa's birthday. Today, I went to work early in the morning, watched football, and ate hella pizza. Kris, Princess, and Uncle Jun came over, too. Ate Joy and Pascual came late and chilled for awhile. Here are some pictures..

The cousins...

...and Lynard.

Flowers for Lolo and Lola.


[Place caption here]

Lynard's about to fall..

Fixing the flowers.

Happy Birthday, Lolo!

Everyone's looking at the wrong grave..

Much better.

Farmer's tan?

Haha, iono...

Pizza Pizza!

4 boxes and 2 Crazy bread.

Stupid Patriots.

Hardcore gamers playin' H2.

Hardcore gamer in the making..

We were bored..

Here's another one; she's spinning btw.

OMFG! My hand is transparent! Lol.
Go Chargers!!

